Costume Overload at Home? How to Effect Change

If you are somebody who tries to reinvent yourself on a daily basis so that you can present a new picture to the world, you will undoubtedly have an extensive wardrobe of new costumes. You may subscribe to the notion that you shouldn't be seen in the same outfit twice, or not without a sizeable delay in between at any rate, and you may have a pair of shoes to match each alternative get-up, as well. Yet, there is only so much room in your master bedroom to cope with all this variety, and especially when you consider that you're not the only one to think about. With space now at a significant premium for the two of you and not much room to expand, what can you be expected to do?

Striking a Compromise

Something has to give in this situation, and you may be forced to compromise. You may have to sort out your clothing and even pass some of it on to a new owner. At the least, you have to organise its layout more efficiently by introducing some new shelves, both above and below the main racks.

One in, One Out

You may look forward to "the sales" on your local high street and vow to buy a variety of new outlets each time. If you do, you have to adopt the "one in, one out" mantra and get rid of at least one outfit for every new one that you purchase.

Upgrading Your Furniture

If you have a conventional wardrobe with doors that swing out or – worse still – inward, then this is not helping your cause at all. One way or the other, this type of setup is more intrusive, and you should consider changing it for the latest furniture trend, the sliding wardrobe.

A New Lease on Life

These wardrobes come in a variety of different configurations, but they are very space efficient. You can close them to hide any disorganisation and open them easily to access your latest change of clothing.

It's Going to Take Effort

One thing is for certain, however. It doesn't matter how you upgrade your furniture; if you don't pay attention to your buying and storage habits, then you will easily become overwhelmed again. Make sure that you take a two-pronged approach to the problem, and schedule a clear-out to coincide with the arrival of your new sliding wardrobes.
