Why You Should Always Have Commercial Mattresses If You Rent Out A Room Or House

Whether you own a dozen properties or just rent out a single room of your house on one of the many apps available, there are some steps you need to take to insure your property is suitable for someone else to stay in. While many people focus on the dressings and more visible options to appeal to a wider range of tenants, there are some aspects that go unnoticed. One of those is your mattress. Commercial mattresses are absolutely necessary for those who rent out their property to others, for both your benefit and the customers.

Less Chance Of Allergic Reaction

Commercial mattresses are built to be used by everyone, and that includes those who have more sensitive skin than others. Some people can have allergies to certain types of bedding material, and while that may not matter for your personal bed, for a sleeping area meant to be used by many different people, you have to factor this into your consideration. The last thing you want is for someone to be enjoying their time only to end up hospitalized because of an overlooked mattress. Avoiding this possibility should be your number one concern when it comes to every part of your bedding, and that starts with your mattress.


Many people love their own mattress because they have grown accustomed to it. They know how it feels, the in's and out's and they enjoy the little indent they sleep in. With a rental property, you want to provide a comfortable but consistent experience that anyone will enjoy, whether they are 250 kilograms or 25. Commercial mattresses have very strong coils that spring back into place after they are used, ready for the next night. The chance of wear and tear is much less when using commercial mattresses as opposed to residential ones.

Emulating The Professionals

Hotels have been using commercial mattresses from accredited providers for a long time, and it is what most travellers have come to expect. If your holiday is great but you slept on a bed that was obviously not up to par, then often that negative sticks in your mind more than anything else. You should want to get that positive word of mouth from your guests, and also provide them with the best possible experience you can, and a commercial mattress is a very small price to pay for a premium product and experience. 
