4 Reasons You Should Consider a Linen Headboard

Adding a headboard to your bed is a great way to improve your comfort while sitting up and to enhance the style of your bedroom. Of course, there are a few decisions you need to make before deciding on the perfect one, and one of the most important is choosing the right type of upholstery.

While some people are attracted to wood, most still prefer fabric upholstered bedheads. There are several fabric options, including linen. It isn't the most widespread choice, but it does come with several appealing benefits. Here are just four.

1. Linen Stays Cool

You might have heard that linen is often used for summer clothing—for example, hot weather suits tend to be made of linen. That's because linen remains incredibly cool to the touch and doesn't trap hot air like other fabrics. That's a huge advantage for headboards. Even if you are leaning against them during the night or sitting up reading a book for hours on end, they'll still feel nice and cool, even during the height of summer.

2. Linen Is Durable

Linen comes from plant fibres, and those plant fibres are some of the strongest around. In fact, US money is printed on paper with a high linen content to ensure it doesn't rip. You might not think strength is a hugely important factor for headboards, but just keep in mind how often you're going to be lying against it. Overall, it's worth picking up a strong fabric to ensure you won't see any tears in the future.

3. Linen Is Hypoallergenic

Since linen only consists of natural fibres, it is a great choice for anyone who suffers from allergies—even a minor reaction can make it much harder to get a good night of sleep. Better yet, linen's weave and long fibres are very good at repelling dust particles, so dust doesn't tend to settle on linen headboards as it does on other fabrics. The material also has anti-bacterial properties, so even minor mould growth shouldn't be an issue.

4. Linen Is Eco-Friendly

People are becoming increasingly aware of how the choices they make affect the world at large, and linen is a good choice for anyone who values eco-friendliness. It's a natural fibre that requires little energy to be processed. It can also be grown very easily without chemical fertilizers and doesn't require nearly as much water as most other natural fibres. 
