4 Reasons to Add a Few Standing Desks to Your Office

When you're looking at office furniture, it's natural to gravitate towards sitting desks, and those should indeed make up most of your desks. However, standing desks are becoming increasingly popular, so you should think about adding a couple to your office for team members to use throughout the day when they get sick of sitting.

Here are just four reasons why it's a good idea.

1. Helps Employees Feel Active and Engaged

You want your employees to work as hard as possible without feeling like you're pushing them all the time, and adding a few standing desks to your office can help make that happen. People tend to feel fresher and more engaged when they can work standing. They might get tired if they stand all day, but simply switching to a standing desk for an hour or so when they'd usually hit a slump towards the end of the day can help employees stay productive and energized.  

2. Prevents Pain and Poor Posture

You want your employees to feel healthy at work. Unfortunately, spending all day sitting can lead to back pain and poor posture. Your employees aren't going to blame you, but there's no denying that people tend to work a little slower when they're battling a sore back or neck. By providing standing desks for your team to use throughout the day, you help keep them free from aches and pains. That means greater focus when they're in the office and less chance of people staying home sick.

3. Takes Up Less Floorspace

Plenty of modern offices allow people to work from home a few days a week, and one reason why is that this saves on office space. However, it can be tricky to provide enough space during those rare occasions when everyone is in the office. In such cases, standing desks are ideal. People can pop in and out to do some work on them, but the desks themselves don't take up much floor space. When they aren't being used, they won't be cluttering up your office or making it look deserted.

4. Creates a Modern Environment

Finally, keep in mind that offices with standing desk options tend to look more modern and forward-thinking. When your office strikes those notes, you're more likely to attract top talent and help your current team feel valued. Better yet, any clients will appreciate the innovative and dynamic space you've helped create.

For more information about standing desks and other pieces of furniture for your office, contact an office furniture business.
